Ghost (B.C.)

I’m going to go ahead and say it… I was a casual Ghost fan. Yes, that’s right, I had heard them on the radio, and really loved what I heard, but I never took the initiative to look into them more. As a single mom, it’s too easy to get complacent with my music, know I like a song by a band and then just keep listening to that one song and every other song that I’ve listened to for years. And despite the legal issues Papa Emeritus III fairly recently faced, I felt the need to go see them when I found out they were touring. Luckily, I scored a $20 ticket during the Live Nation sale, and did take the time to listen to them here and there, including the entire hour and a half drive to the show.

Let me give you some advice… if you are going to see a show in Indianapolis, plan to be there at least an hour before the doors open, because finding parking is a major pain. However, I was super pleased with the venue, Old National Centre. There were metal detectors at the doors, but they got everyone through quickly, and all of the staff were super nice and helpful, which I appreciate very much. The show itself was in the Egyptian Room, which was standing room only, aside from the VIP seating on either side, with the soundboard in the center of the decently sized room.

I missed just a bit of the opening band, Royal Thunder. But I’m glad I didn’t miss all of their set, because they were fantastic! Mlny Parsonz has a voice that takes absolute control and is a strong presence in and of itself. Her vocals are like a mix of Janis Joplin, Joan Jett, and Blackie Lawless. If you haven’t heard them yet, I highly recommend you check them out.

My only complaint with Ghost was how long it took them to come out. We stood for what felt like ages listening to “Satanic Hymns to Fall Asleep to” but once they did come out, there was no stopping the excitement and energy. Every one of those Nameless Ghouls had so much energy and personality, even with their faces hidden. The guitarists and bassist were all over the stage, playing to the crowd, and just absolutely killing every note in cold blooded metal perfection.

I tried to compare Papa Emeritus III with David Draiman when explaining his stage presence to a friend, but that’s almost an insult if you don’t explain that Papa Emeritus has way more personality and charm than David Draiman. And that’s not to say that I don’t like David Draiman, because quite the opposite is actually true. But when I saw Disturbed, while their light show and pyrotechnics were impressive, Draiman didn’t really do much besides walk back and forth across the stage while he sang. You never found Papa Emeritus dancing like you would William Control or Rob Zombie, but he covered every inch of the stage and really did reach out and interact with the crowd and with his Nameless Ghouls.


Their first song was to a black background, with lots of smoke and lights, and Papa came out in what can only be described as an Anti-Pope outfit. The second song had the black curtain dropped, and we were instantly transported to a Satanic church with stained glass windows depicting the images of Lucifer himself, as well as Baphomet and a female whose name I will edit in here once I figure out who she was supposed to be.


Everything about their show was phenomenal. Visually everything was just stunning, from the lights to the background to the insane energy that the crowd just soaked up and sent straight back. Papa Emeritus III was funny and charming and maybe a little explicit, much to everyone’s delight. Even if you didn’t know the songs, you couldn’t help but get hyped and jump and clap.


Next time Ghost comes around, I’m going to try to get VIP tickets so I can meet these guys. And I will without a doubt not miss them on their next tour, because these guys are very much worth it to go see live.

Rob Zombie Redemption

Admittedly, I almost didn’t make it to the Rob Zombie concert on Wednesday. I would’ve been getting tickets hella late, and I really didn’t wanna get seat tickets in the Rose Music Center amphitheater if I had to go alone. But then an angel of a friend said she would go with me, and we got the tickets the night before.

The opening band was a Dayton local called Brothers In Arms. They sounded so familiar, and I didn’t realize until I figured out who they were that I had heard them previously on the local radio stations. Honestly, these guys are awesome, and have a great sound. Check them out if you like bands like Black Stone Cherry or Black Label Society.

My last Rob Zombie experience was piss poor due to the awful venue it was at, so I was excited for some Zombie redemption. And a mighty fine redemption it was! Finally being able to see the stage meant I finally got to witness that Rob Zombie energy. The man has amazing stage presence, and works the entire stage. Every member of the band had the same energy and zeal, as well, so with the screen backdrop playing new video loops for every song and the great lighting, it was visually spectacular.

Rob Zombie and I apparently have at least one thing in common, in that we enjoy an authentic concert experience. I don’t feel like you can fully appreciate and enjoy a show watching it from your phone screen (or, at the very least I can’t lol). So he had John 5 absolutely kill it on a guitar solo while he made a lap around the amphitheater. It was at this point, when I realized what he was doing, that I rushed down to the edge of the seating I was at and leaned over the rail. I was rewarded for the effort with a high five from RZ, which was super appreciated since I could see that not everyone was getting one as he made his way around.

While my first time seeing him was tainted by the venue it was at, that wasn’t his fault. I don’t believe that Rob Zombie can give a bad concert experience. The man was made to entertain, it would seem. Every song dance-able and he plays enough of his popular songs that even new or casual fans can sing along at least a few times during the set.

Overall, I know I definitely will not hesitate to see him whenever possible, because even with seats that are not exactly my preference the show was top notch.

30 Day Music Challenge: Day 7

A song to drive to
Testament by VNV Nation

I have three main Pandora stations that I listen to, and of course my William Control station is one of them. I first heard this song on there, and that was when I discovered that this song gives me lead foot. I never love to listen to this song as much as when I’m cruising down the interstate with the radio turned way up and either fast moving traffic or empty roads.

30 Day Music Challenge: Day 6

A song that makes you want to dance
Dancing With Myself by Billy Idol

Recently I went to an Andy Black concert. Now, I don’t know any of Andy Black’s music past Knives and Pens and The Mortician’s Daughter from his Black Veil Brides days. I had honestly just gone to see William Control. But one thing Andy Black did all kinds of right was playing a cover of this song, because immediately it got me moving and singing.

I wasn’t always into 80’s music. My mom loved it, and I didn’t want to like anything my mom liked so I rejected it. It wasn’t until a boyfriend liked 80’s music that I started to get into it. And once I started there was no stopping me. I have a lot of love for Billy Idol, and especially this song. I can’t hear this song without moving in some way, from a toe tap to full on dance mode. A friend in high school actually introduced me to Billy Idol, and I have fond memories of listening to his music in gym class with her.

30 Day Music Challenge: Day 5

A song that needs to be played LOUD
Dragula by Rob Zombie

Anyone who doesn’t listen to this song at top volume and head bang is wrong, and you need to get them out of your life because that’s a level of negativity nobody needs to be around. This song just doesn’t sound right if it’s played softly in the background, or even at what one would consider a moderate level. You need to be able to feel every beat pumping through your body, in your chest.

30 Day Music Challenge: Day 4

A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
Issues by Mindless Self Indulgence

Geeze, music challenge. Thanks for drudging up painful memories you bastard. There’s a lot of songs that bring to mind people I’d rather forget about. So to cover a lot of bases, I’m gonna use a song that reminds me of a lot of people, some I probably don’t even know the names of.

When I was in high school, I was in love, as happens with many people during that time in life. But the guy I loved liked to love everyone else. Behind my back. And one of his favorite bands was Mindless Self Indulgence. After I had learned about his infidelities, I still managed to be stupid and kept getting back with him. And this song is one I could just never listen to after all that. Because all it brought to mind was his infidelities. Really it was like the damn song had been made for him, and he fucking loved it.

Fun story time! I actually went to an MSI concert with him. And one of the chicks I had trouble with him fucking behind my back was there! Also happened to be a chick he’d get with when he was done with me, and then would leave for me. And I remember when he showed me that she was there, and how somehow she ended up right next to us, and he kept himself wedged between us, and that’s when they played this damn song. Ahhhh memories. Fuck ’em.

30 Day Music Challenge: Day 3

A song that reminds you of summertime
The Taste of Ink by The Used

This one was a little harder to pick. There aren’t many songs that definitely make me think of summertime unless they specifically talk about summer in the song title or lyrics, but I didn’t want to be quite that cliche. And I honestly don’t have any specific songs that remind of any summer memories. So I had to go with a feeling, just listening to several different songs and seeing which one felt like summer to me.

This song feels like summer to me. This song feels like getting in the car, rolling the windows down, and blasting music on a midnight drive going nowhere in particular. The song itself rings of freedom, and what feels more free than a night drive with the warm summer air whipping your hair while you sing at the top of your lungs?

30 Day Music Challenge: Day 2

A Song You Like With A Number In The Title
Rev 22:20 by Puscifer

I can’t remember the first time I heard this song, but I can say that ever since it’s become a staple in many playlists I’ve created. There’s two main versions for your listening pleasure, what I would call the original and then the Dry Martini Mix. Either way, this song is pure sex (which isn’t hard to accomplish with those lyrics and the voice of Maynard James Kennan).

When you listen to the original, you’re getting a perfect song for any liquid motion playlist and a common song in the lineup for the alt strippers (no judgement, I was one of those strippers using this song once upon a time). This version is a bit shorter than the Dry Martini Mix because it’s a tad faster, but it’s my favorite. Both versions are sexy as hell, but this one is a little more in your face. This is the girl who isn’t afraid to jump in and take charge and let you know what she wants and take what she needs.

The Dry Martini Mix, in contract, is the woman who flashes you those fuck me eyes from across the bar and makes you chase her from room to room as she seems to disappear just before you reach her, prolonging the chase and leaving an air of mystery before she takes you. This woman takes her time with you. The vocals are smoother, the sound a bit softer. This version is pure seduction.

30 Day Music Challenge: Day 1


Ah, what better to get me actually writing in this fucking blog than a writing challenge? And what better month to start a 30 day challenge than April? So let’s just jump in, shall we?

Day 1: A song you like with a color in the title
Black No. 1 by Type O Negative

I really wanted to start this with something iconic, and for every goth chick in the world, what is more iconic than Black No. 1? That bass line mixed with the haunting low vocals of Peter Steele in the opening always makes me smile, no matter where I am or what I’m doing. FUN FACT: the original song is about 11 minutes long, which is the video I’m going to give you guys at the bottom. If you prefer, you can find the radio condensed version here

The anthem for every goth girl, new and old, was released on their third album Bloody Kisses, which was actually released the year I was born (no laughing, guys, I’ve got an old soul). “Christian Woman” was on this album as well, another excellent representation of Peter Steele’s seductive voice.

Sadly, Steele passed away in 2010 from heart failure, taking his sexy voice with him. But we’ll always have Black No. 1.

Get Liquid

We’re gonna get kind personal for a moment here, so I hope you guys don’t mind. This one’s not about a tour, or a band, or a new album. This one’s something very near and dear to me that I have fairly recently discovered and fallen in love with. And you know exactly what I’m talking about without knowing what it’s called.

But it’s called Liquid Motion. And it is quite seriously exactly what it sounds like.

I’m taking liquid motion classes at a local fitness place, and out of all the classes they offer, none make me feel quite so sexy as this one. These classes are literally whatever you make of them, because as long as you keep moving your body and feeling the music you’re doing it right. There’s a spectrum to liquid motion, from graceful to sexual, and it doesn’t matter where you fall on that spectrum. Where you fall might even depend on the song you’re dancing to.

Liquid Motion is your chance to bust out those songs that make you body roll when you’re sitting in the car, that make you run your hands up your body and through your hair. Songs like Slept So Long from the Queen of the Damned soundtrack. Or maybe Halsey is more your style? How about The Weeknd?

My question to you is, what kind of songs would you like to dance to in a Liquid Motion class?